RealEye version 11.0 provides even more reliable and precise eye-tracking metrics and K-factor values.
Please be aware that heatmaps, recordings, and AOI statistics in RealEye version 11.0, in many cases, are a bit different from the previous versions.
Please read RealEye’s version 11.0 Fixation Filter description for more information.
RealEye API version 2.3.0 (released with RealEye v11.0) Documentation. Please check the API Changelog.
New Features:
Major Changes:
Various improvements and bug fixes:
New Features:
Major Changes:
User interface and experience improvements:
Various improvements and bug fixes:
RealEye is committed to providing you with the quality you expect and deserve. We’ve found a way to minimize the price increase while keeping the continuous development of the tool to increase the quality of our service. Here’s the new pricing model:
We appreciate your continued support through this time of growth and change. If you have any further questions regarding the new pricing, please feel free to contact us. Our team is always happy to discuss this situation with you.
– RealEye Team
RealEye now allows you to run your studies on smartphones! You can set up your study to accept mobile and/or desktop participants in the study settings. So far, we can observe that mobile tests work perfectly for testing long-vertical images (e.g., mobile page mockups) and vertical video advertisements. As an outcome of a Smartphone study, you can expect to see the same data and metrics as for a traditional desktop fielding.
Please feel free to try our Smartphone Demo study here: Start demo study
RealEye 10.0 Release Notes:
RealEye 9.0 Release Notes
New Features:
Major Changes:
Various improvements and bug fixes:
We’ve got a small yet significant update for you: now a RealEye study can simultaneously consist of images and videos (previously you’d had to create two separate studies). Hopefully, it will make your research more effortless!
RealEye 8.14 Release Notes
New Features:
Minor UI/UX improvements:
RealEye 8.13 Release Notes
RealEye 8.12 Release Notes:
Thanks to RealEye Open Gaze API Adapter, you can now conduct your studies using the GP3 hardware eye-tracker! This feature is currently available only in the PRO plan for Beta users, so please contact us if you want to try it out!
RealEye 8.11 Release Notes
Please note that image items (stimuli) have scrolling DISABLED by default – as that’s the majority of use cases.
RealEye 8.10 Release Notes
Cloning study is now possible with RealEye 8.9. Fast way of creating study copy with the same items (stimuli) and settings.
Read feature description on our support page: How to clone a study.
RealEye 8.9 Release Notes
RealEye version 8.8 can run an eye-tracking test with only the specified items.
Read feature description on a How to run test with specified items support page to know more.
RealEye 8.8 Release Notes
Thanks to the multipart tool – AOI, you can now combine data calculations from several areas scattered throughout the image or video. Please see the following video to find out more about what’s new:
We’re happy to announce that we’ve just released RealEye v8.7, which contains 2 new features and some improvements.
RealEye 8.7 Release Notes
With many new features and improvements, we now also make our API publicly available!
RealEye API is still being developed according to our customers’ needs, so be sure there will be a lot of new API features coming soon :)
RealEye 8.6 Release Notes
We’re happy to announce that we’ve just released RealEye v8.5, which contains 2 new features and some improvements: the ability to pin some the items in the desired order and the ability to embed the recordings.
Thanks to the “pinning” feature, you can set control the randomization and eg. define which element will be always presented first or last. Please take a look at the following recording to learn more about the news:
If you’re still wondering how to move your studies on-line, take a look at our latest article: Eye tracking study: Online vs. Offline.
RealEye 8.5 Release Notes:
RealEye 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4 Release Notes
New Features:
Improve handling external test data and RealEye params.
Minor UI/UX improvements, e.g.,:
Various improvements and bug fixes, e.g.,
We haven’t been idle since the last update (RealEye 8.0). This time we would like to present:
If you’re still wondering how to move your studies on-line, take a look at our latest article: Eye tracking study: Online vs. Offline.
We’re happy to announce that we’ve just released RealEye v8.0, which contains a pretty commonly asked feature: the ability to ask participants several, different types of questions after each stimulus.
Each survey can contain questions with several question types:
Thanks to this feature there’s no need to redirect participants back and forward to external questionnaires – everything now can be handled directly on RealEye platform which makes the entire process (both, for the researcher and the participant) easier and more intuitive.
Special thanks to Startup Spark from ŁSSE.
If you’re still wondering how to move your studies on-line, take a look at our latest article: Eye tracking study: Online vs. Offline.
We’re happy to announce that we’ve just released RealEye v7.3, which contains a pretty commonly asked feature: the ability to finish displaying stimuli (image/video) on a keystroke event.
This ability will enable researchers to create implicit reaction tests like IAT or IRT and measure not only which keys were pressed but also what was the reaction time was and the average reaction time for each key separately.
Please read more about this recent feature in our Support
Special thanks to Pablo for requesting this feature long time ago, it’s finally out there! :)
If you’re still wondering how to move your studies on-line, take a look at our latest article: Eye tracking study: Online vs. Offline.
RealEye v7.2 release focused mainly on ensuring more useful data.
This time we’ve tackled two things:
Other essential updates in version 7.2:
If you’re still wondering how to move your studies on-line, take a look at our latest article: Eye tracking study: Online vs. Offline.
RealEye 7.1 Release Notes:
RealEye version 7.0 introduces quite significant improvements in eye-tracking metrics we provide on the dashboard and in the exported CSV files.
NOTICE: Some metric values might have changed from what you’ve seen in previous versions of RealEye. That’s because we’ve improved our algorithms to provide even more accurate and useful data.
If you have any questions regarding this release please, contact us via email or chat. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions.
A detailed explanation of the eye-tracking metrics you can get from RealEye is described on this support page.
RealEye 7.0 release notes:
Special thanks to Luis, one of our customers, who has given us a lot of feedback regarding our metrics and data export feature.