Behavioral analysis

Recent articles:

Irene Centenaro
Irene Centenaro
July 11, 2024

Understanding User Behavior: Enhancing a website with

Ida, a freelance therapist in Turkey, faced challenges with her website’s performance. Neuromarketer Irene Centenaro utilized’s eye-tracking to diagnose the issues. The analysis highlighted key areas for improvement, helping Ida enhance user engagement and lead conversion.
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Alicja Kowalczewska, PhD
Alicja Kowalczewska, PhD
April 25, 2024

Seven Universal Facial Expressions: Exploring the Basics of Human Emotion

Learn about the seven universal facial expressions. They are key in understanding human emotions and are used in RealEye’s facial expression recognition system to analyze visual attention and emotional impact.
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Andrzej Morawski
Andrzej Morawski
April 17, 2024

RealEye vs. GazeRecorder Comparison

In the hunt for a GazeRecorder replacement? This post unveils RealEye, a robust eye tracking tool. We compare RealEye and GazeRecorder feature-by-feature in a handy table, making it easy to see how RealEye goes beyond recording eye movements to uncover insights into visual attention and emotional impact for a richer understanding of user behavior.
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Andrzej Morawski
Andrzej Morawski
April 17, 2024

Best Gazerecorder Altrnative

Stuck with GazeRecorder? Explore a world of possibilities! This article unveils the best GazeRecorder alternatives, featuring tools like Tobii, GP3 Eye Tracker, RealEye and Crazy Egg. We compare features, use cases, and functionalities to help you find the perfect eye-tracking software for your research needs.
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Andrzej Morawski
Andrzej Morawski
April 16, 2024

Top EyeLink eye tracker alternatives

Unsatisfied with traditional eye tracking solutions? Explore a wider range of options! This article delves into powerful alternatives that offer valuable insights into user behavior, all without breaking the bank.
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Andrzej Morawski
Andrzej Morawski
March 29, 2024

Best Tobii eye tracker alternative

Even though Tobii Pro offers good-quality eye trackers, they may have downsides. We've gathered a list of tools that could solve the obstacles you encountered using Tobi Pro. Check out our lists of alternatives and competing tools and software.
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Andrzej Morawski
Andrzej Morawski
March 29, 2024

Comparison of RealEye vs Sticky by Tobii Pro

See Sticky by Tobii Pro and RealEye comparison. We've compared different aspects of the tools and put them in one table. Enjoy!
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Andrzej Morawski
Andrzej Morawski
March 28, 2024

Best iMotions eye tracker alternative

IMotion is quite often chosen by market research and academic researchers; however, it has some drawbacks. We present iMotions alternatives that can solve some of iMotions problems.
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Andrzej Morawski
Andrzej Morawski
March 28, 2024

RealEye vs. iMotions Comparison

See what are the main differences between RealEye and iMotions online eye-trackers.
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Alicja Kowalczewska, PhD
Alicja Kowalczewska, PhD
March 12, 2024

Analysing Eye Tracking Data – How Can It Provide New Insights into Understanding Visual Attention?

If you have heard about eye tracking but are not quite sure what it is or what it can be used for – fear not! Here you can learn more about what kind of data is collected, how it can be modelled and analysed, and what are its application fields and further research perspectives.
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